Holy Crap...I'm So Blessed!
OK, so I was in my Calvin class for three hours this evening with Dr. Gwenfair Adams. She is phenomenal, and the subject matter is great. After class, a couple of other teacher's pets and I (we have official titles at this level, we're called a "T.A.")
accompanied her back down to her office, helping her carry several piles of books and the like. In her office, there are books lining the walls, and too many other cool things to recount here. However, she had two of the coolest things I've ever seen: A vellum (animal skin) from the 15th Century with a Psalm written on it with muscial notation, AND a book of "Decredals" from the Council of Trent (The Council of Trent was the Catholic response to the Reformation) The Psalm on the vellum was from 1400 and somthing, and the book of Decredals was from 1580-1592 roughtly! AND I GOT TO TOUCH THEM! I got to smell them, poke them, turn them over and over, heck, I could have tasted them! (I was sniffing them, and the temptation was there...) What the HECK?! That is so cool! She just has these IN HER OFFICE! LAYING AROUND! AND SHE LETS US GRUB AROUND WITH THEM AND HANDLE THEM! 400+ year old artifacts of Christianity available for my perusal! WOW! After that I went upstairs, and found people worshipping in the Chapel. Thereupon I realized how rare and blessed this whole situation really is. I mean, this level of scholarship, so closely and consciously dedicated to God, for His glory, purposely tied to the church, its worship, devotion, and ministry? Simply amazing...Not that other institutions aren't in the final calculus aimed at building the Kingdom and serving God, it just seems to me that they are often 'many times removed' from that central point. Here, most of our professors are also ministers or minister-ing in some capacity. Their highest flown theology is never distant from the pulpit, the soup kitchen, and the pastor visiting in your living room. Anyhoo, enough rambling, just wanted to share the coolness of seminary with y'all.
accompanied her back down to her office, helping her carry several piles of books and the like. In her office, there are books lining the walls, and too many other cool things to recount here. However, she had two of the coolest things I've ever seen: A vellum (animal skin) from the 15th Century with a Psalm written on it with muscial notation, AND a book of "Decredals" from the Council of Trent (The Council of Trent was the Catholic response to the Reformation) The Psalm on the vellum was from 1400 and somthing, and the book of Decredals was from 1580-1592 roughtly! AND I GOT TO TOUCH THEM! I got to smell them, poke them, turn them over and over, heck, I could have tasted them! (I was sniffing them, and the temptation was there...) What the HECK?! That is so cool! She just has these IN HER OFFICE! LAYING AROUND! AND SHE LETS US GRUB AROUND WITH THEM AND HANDLE THEM! 400+ year old artifacts of Christianity available for my perusal! WOW! After that I went upstairs, and found people worshipping in the Chapel. Thereupon I realized how rare and blessed this whole situation really is. I mean, this level of scholarship, so closely and consciously dedicated to God, for His glory, purposely tied to the church, its worship, devotion, and ministry? Simply amazing...Not that other institutions aren't in the final calculus aimed at building the Kingdom and serving God, it just seems to me that they are often 'many times removed' from that central point. Here, most of our professors are also ministers or minister-ing in some capacity. Their highest flown theology is never distant from the pulpit, the soup kitchen, and the pastor visiting in your living room. Anyhoo, enough rambling, just wanted to share the coolness of seminary with y'all.