Intellectual Cowardice
I can bear many things, one thing I cannot, however, are those who abandon meaningful conversations, or refuse to give reasons for actions that have ramifications for others. Perhaps they do not want to go to the trouble of defending themselves and making sense of their actions. Perhaps they just don't like to act in ways that make sense. Perhaps they are afraid of Truth, thinking He will enslave them. They forget that ultimately we will all serve something, whether we are conscious of it or not, and that the only real choice is whether your Master will be beneficent or cruel. Will you be driven by it to Death, or to Life? I am not claiming to be Truth, or even to being particularly truth-full myself. But I know the difference between one who seeks, and one who just doesn't give a damn. Albert Borgmann speaks eloquently to this. To wit,
“At times sullenness is voiced in telling phrases. Indolence comes to the fore in the expression, so often delivered with finality, “it’s my choice.” What sounds like the assumption of ultimate responsibility is usually the flourish of moral retreat, the refusal to discuss, explain, and justify a decision, and the retirement to self-indulgence.”
Albert Borgmann in Crossing the Postmodern Divide
“At times sullenness is voiced in telling phrases. Indolence comes to the fore in the expression, so often delivered with finality, “it’s my choice.” What sounds like the assumption of ultimate responsibility is usually the flourish of moral retreat, the refusal to discuss, explain, and justify a decision, and the retirement to self-indulgence.”
Albert Borgmann in Crossing the Postmodern Divide
Word brother. That's a great quote.
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