Monday, May 15, 2006

Right now...

This ship is slowing. Its engines are silent, and there is no wind. I am looking over the side at perfectly smooth water, impossibly smooth water, disturbed only by the ships bow wave. Ladies and gentlemen, we have now arrived at a full stop. The air is warm and still, the stars cold and I wish they would move. As I lean farther over the rail, the water looks like the gently swaying surface of oil, dark blue and deep beyond imagining. I absent-mindedly roll over the rail, as if I might just have easily done it as not. The wind whips my clothes, and the circular yellow flashes of a few decks worth of portholes go by. The water doesn't hurt, though my awkward impact should have. The music plays on as the ship and I drift away from each other. Only slightly worried, I say, "I think this is going to ruin my suit." The ship is now a distant outline on the farther edges of my vision, lit only by a rising or a setting sun, I can't really tell which. There is silence in heaven for about half an hour. A few wayward strains (souls) of music still make their way back to me. In the end, I don't know if I threw myself over or if I was thrown. I await judgment.

Eerie as it is now, I wasn't afraid then. It was all quite nice, actually


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Troy no cruises for you ok?
Ha Ha

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

2:02 AM  
Blogger xcwomac said...


10:18 PM  

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